彈藥庫 左右二棟建築原為日治時期大溪郡役所的彈藥庫,分別採用磚造及鋼筋混凝土造二種型式。左棟彈藥庫因戰後住戶向外增建做為使用空間,並將其包覆於屋內做為房間而完整保留下來,右棟則採殘跡保存。仔細注意地上的白色輪廓線條,這就是原住戶加蓋的範圍喔!彈藥庫上黑色的鋼骨,則是修復時為了結構安全而加裝的。Magazine(Artillery) The buildings to the left and the right, one of masonry and the other of steel-reinforced concrete, were used as ammunition depots during the period of Japanese occupation. The residents of the left-hand ammunition depot built an addition room, which has been fully preserved, onto it. This building has been preserved as a historic relic.上個地點 人力輕便鐵道下個地點 警察宿舍群