工藝基地 目前「工藝基地」全區由六連棟等三棟歷史建築再利用,作為工藝師駐村空間、工藝教室、木工場及工藝傳習室等使用,初期導入木藝及漆藝工藝合作,透過國內外工藝師駐村傳習,培育人才投入地方產業發展。正前方鄰近崖邊的小屋,從前是通訊排,專門處理分局的電話通訊,整修後現在作為木工場,提供木藝師創作的空間。Arts & Crafts Center The Arts & Crafts Center is in the repurposed third unit of the Six-unit Dormitory. It is used as space for resident craftsmen, a craft classroom, woodcraft workshop, and crafts education room. Wood and lacquer crafts were initially introduced, with master craftsmen from at home and abroad moving in to pass on their skills and cultivate talent to join in the development of local handicraft arts.上個地點 六連棟下個地點 工藝交流館