工藝交流館 這座房子最早興建於日本時代,戰後國民政府接收時這邊原是一排約兩三間的一層樓平房,由幾位單身警察居住。 1966年,來自上海、在大溪分局執行內勤工作的楊先生一家遷入,最多時有10多人居住。由於使用空間不夠,又加上颱風破壞,房子前後都經過了增改建,並興建二樓。 木博館接手修復後,修復了特殊的屋頂造型,保留原建築特色及戰後住戶增建圍牆痕跡,2021年再利用為工藝交流館。 This Japanese-era building has the only hipped roof in the police dormitory complex; its reception room has a gable roof, and its interior layout is also different from that of other buildings here. After World War II it was used as a police dormitory for Daxi Precinct. The restoration retained the building’s original characteristics along with ruins of the wall built by post-war residents.In 2021 the building was repurposed as the Craft Exchange Hall, with space for handicraft exhibits and interchange that provide an industrial linkage for native wood and other handicrafts. 上個地點 工藝基地下個地點 郡役所舊構及留置場